The time has been passing quite fast and we are almost at the end of the year. It means we are very close to yet another New Year. As New Year is the celebration time, we are here with you to make it more special with our New Year Poems for Kids. Kids spread smiles. They are the powerhouses of energy that boost us with their pure hearts. They have a special place and they should always receive what they desire. These poems that we have collected for kids on the New Year eve will make them pretty happy.
Table of Contents
New Year 2025 Poems for Kids
Kids are well-versed with poems from their kindergarten days as they sing along with their teachers. Poems are the easy way to gain their attention and so their study is designed in the form of poems for their easy understanding. If the New Year wishes are also conveyed to them in the form of poems, then they would feel very merry and joyful about it. Keeping that in mind, we have composed these wonderful new year poetry for kids.
Check –> Inspirational New Year Poems
These new year poems will have a great impact on the kids as they are more prone to reading poems from their childhood. You can copy the poems we have listed out here in this page for you and share them with the kids at home.
Check –> Sweet and Short New Year Poems
It is a new year
Let us give a cheer
And maybe some beer
Get all your friends
Party till the day ends
Then the ball will drop
And the balloons will pop
It will be 2025
Give me a high five
Another year passes
Through life’s glasses
Happy New Year 2025.
Hey, my lad, ho, my lad!
Here’s a New Broom.
Heaven’s your housetop
And Earth is your room.
Tuck up your shirtsleeves,
There’s plenty to do-
Look at the muddle
That’s waiting for you!Dust in the corners
And dirt on the floor,
Cobwebs still clinging
To window and door.Hey, my lad! o, my lad!
Nimble and keen-
Here’s your New Broom, my lad!
See you sweep clean.
Check –> Famous Happy New Year Poems
To keep my health!
To do my work!
To live!
To see to it I grow and gain and give!
Never to look behind me for an hour!
To wait in weakness, and to walk in power;
But always fronting onward to the light,
Always and always facing towards the right.
Robbed, starved, defeated, fallen, wide astray–
On, with what strength I have!
Back to the way!
Low, quiet music is playing—
distorted trumpet, torn bass line,
white windows. My palms
are two speakers the size
of pool-hall coasters.
I lay them on the dark table
for you to repair it.
Happy, Happy New Year!
We wish you all the best,
Great work to reach your fondest goals,
And when you’re done, sweet rest.
We hope for your fulfillment,
Contentment, peace and more,
A brighter, better new year than
You’ve ever had before.
Nothing in this world is permanent,
It’s as simple as two plus two
But I feel like I am fortunate
Because I’m spending this New Year’s Eve with you
Life is a book in volumes
three– The past, the present, and the yet-to-be.
The past is written and laid away,
The present we’re writing every day,
And the last and best of volumes three
Is locked from sight
The New Year lies before you
Like a spotless tract of snow
Be careful how you tread on it
For every mark will show.
Check –> Christian New Year Poems
The biggest night of the year
To say goodbye to the past
And bring in the new with cheerSurrounded by family and
Friends so dear-
Memories are made to last
Throughout our forthcoming yearsAt the birth of each New Year
God lights a candle for us all
To give guidance in our lives
To see his children free from fallAs the wonder of time
Finally strikes twelve
We celebrate together
New Year’s first hours.
Bells Are Ringing
Bells are ringing.
People singing.
New Year’s here.
New Year’s here
Happy, Happy New Year
Happy, Happy New Year
Let’s all cheer.
New Year’s here!

A New Year is here once more,
With its visions of future promise.
The old ways passed by,
And a fresh start, there for the taking.
All is optimism;
Gloom is gone!
Looking forward to the innocent blossoming of spring
Blooming into a youthful, balmy summer.
But the world does not change.
That beautiful vision of new cleanness
Comes from within;
From the hope for a better world,
And a desire to let the old ways go.
A new year is beginning to peak through
softly beautiful and different like new falling snow,
each day unique and shaped just for you.
Your life adding something as each day does grow.
My wish for your new year is beauty
and softness with surprises thrown in for the delight.
Love for each day bringing happiness to you,
making your life a scene of sparkle and shining sunlight.
Happy New Year!!
Check –> Best Funny New Year Poems
January, February, March,
The cold is harsh.April, May, June,
Summer will be over soon.July, August, September,
Rain we love to remember.October, November, December,
Time to take out coat & furs.

Oh, New Year Tree
Oh, New Year Tree, Oh, New Year Tree!
How we love to see you!
We’ll make some trimmings just for you
Of red and gold, and green, and blue.
Oh, New Year Tree, Oh, New Year Tree!
How we love to see you!
Happy New Year Poem For Kids
A year to be glad in,
And not to be sad in,
To gain in, to give in,
A happy new year.
A new year for trying,
And never for sighing,
A new year to live in,
Oh, hold it most dear.
January opens
The box of the year
And brings out days
That are bright and clear.
And brings out days
That are cold and gray,
And shouts, Come see
What I brought today.
Be the king, be the knight;
wade through dark undefeated;
you never get surprised;
prize of courage you get;
respect and likes;
happy new year 2025 with aspirations high.
New Year Poem For Kindergarten
Another year is coming to an end,
Have you planned where will you spend?
This night is going to be awesome
Because it will be the last day of the year
So, forget everything and do cheer
Because this year is going,
Wait for another bright start
Where you would welcome it from your heart!
Happy New Year!
The New Year Tree
The New Year tree so fine and tall
Stands in the centre of the hall.
Its needles are green.
Its toys are bright.
The New Year lies before you
Like a spotless tract of snow
Be careful how you tread on it
For every mark will show.
Hope the New Year Poems for Kids we have collected are captivating. If so, then visit our website NewYearWiki more often for such articles.
I will collect this poems for my kid. I hope he will definitely love reading them.