New Year is almost here and the countdown for the big day of the year was long started. It is an occasion of rejoicing and peeps are already into the celebratory frame of mind. On the occasion of the New Year, what we usually do is ceremonialize things. The best part of the New Year is the messages we share with our beloved people. Getting into the core of the messages are the poems that are pretty heart-touching. Today we shall talk about New Year poems in details.
Table of Contents
Happy New Year 2025 Poems
New Year is the beginning of many new things in life. It is the time we commemorate the big things we plan for the entire year. We resolute on the New Year Eve to be good and of course do good. Happy New Year Poems 2025 are nothing but the poems that are jotted down in poetic form. These poems literally translate into beautiful messages and wishes for our loved ones. You can share these new year poems on the New Year eve with your beloved to let them know what they mean to you and how much you love them. These poems about new year will mainly focus on the feelings you have for them and the kind of relationship you want with them in the coming year.
Check –> Christian New Year Poems
Taking into consideration the requirements of our readers, we have come up with these famous new year poems. These poems are written by popular names and you will definitely find them very sincere. You can easily relate to these poems and so if you want to say something to your beloved then make sure to pick a poem and send it to him/her on the New Year eve. We are sure your move will end up positively.
Check –> Happy New Year Poems for Kids
Brush away old heartaches.
Learn from our mistakes.
Another year is finally over.
A new dawn awakes.Let the old year out.
Welcome the new one in.
Bury the bad things of the past
As a new year now begins.Make your New Year wishes
As simple as you can.
Pray for peace and love,
Not for wealth or fame.Pray for health and happiness.
Pray for your fellow man.
Pray for all the ones you love.
Pray for those who’ve lost their way.As the midnight hour chimes,
We leave the old and embrace the new.
I wish the things you wish for yourself,
And may God’s love stay with you.

What can be said in New Year rhymes,
That’s not been said a thousand times?
The new years come, the old years go,
We know we dream, we dream we know.
We rise up laughing with the light,
We lie down weeping with the night.
We hug the world until it stings,
We curse it then and sigh for wings.
We live, we love, we woo, we wed,
We wreathe our brides, we sheet our dead.
We laugh, we weep, we hope, we fear,
And that’s the burden of the year.

Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky,
The flying cloud, the frosty light:
The year is dying in the night;
Ring out, wild bells, and let him die.Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true…
Beautiful lights and decorations
Surround us this day.
They promise to meet the aspirations
And point the right way.
Happy 2025!

Many of us are dreamers, in 2025 become doers.
Make your thoughts, actions and become pursuers.
Don’t make resolutions without an action plan.
The secret to success is right in your hands.
Happy New Year to you!
May every great new day
Bring you sweet surprises–
A happiness buffet.Happy New Year to you,
And when the new year’s done,
May the next year be even better,
Full of pleasure, joy and fun.
I’m writing this in a state of shock,
Watching the clock—tick tock, tick tock,
Advancing, approaching, relentlessly,
A brand new year; Oh, can it be?The calendar says the same thing, too;
Time races, vanishes for me; Boo hoo!
No, wait! If time flies, I’m having fun!
A year of fun! It’s gone! It’s done!I now embrace the blur of time,
Because it simply means that I’m
Too busy with pleasure, joy, delight
To mourn the passing days’ swift flight.So I’m wishing you fast, happy days,
Pleasuring you in myriad ways,
Filled with happiness and cheer,
Oh Happy, Happy Bright New Year!
As the world celebrates
With fireworks and cakes
I’m standing here alone
Far away from home
With nothing but a suitcase and memoriesAs the stars surround me like water
I raise my hands in full surrender
To God, my Redeemer
Lord, this year is far from ordinary
I’ve never seen such extraordinary
People, places and things
Amazing human beings
Searching for purpose, just like me.Looking around, I wonder
Since a year is like clashing thunder
Booming suddenly
Then vanishing instantly
Why waste time uselessly?
The old year came and went
I hope your time was wisely spent
On helping others and working hard
So that many people may regard
Your lifetime as truly great
And not just because of fate
So learn this lesson, but not from me!
Try it yourself and you will see
Making a difference starts with one step
With one foot, then the nextSo walk right now into the light
And find yourself shining bright
Don’t worry what people think
Because right now you’re on the brink
Of showing others what is true
Happy New Year, from me to you.
Check –> Sweet and Short New Year Poems
Another year is coming to a close.
We can forget our troubles and woes.
For me, this year was tough.
It brought many emotions, was tearful and rough.
Now another year is approaching fast.
Let’s hope it’s a New Year with love and health; let’s hope it’s a blast.
May all of your dreams come true
And you find peace and love in all that you do.
May this world know the gentle sound of a hush.
May it calm all its anger and slow its pace from the rush.
May we all hear the sound of joy
And push away all that hurts, that destroys.
The New Year I hope will be good to us all.
Care and calm, a helping hand when we fall.
Listen more, slow down, and say I love you.
Stop for a moment; take a breath, take in the view.
Appreciate your family; tell them you care.
Do something exciting, a thrill or a dare.
Enjoy all that the New Year may give.
We have but one life, so let’s learn to live.
It’s a New Year, a brand new start.
Always remember, live and love from your heart.
Wishing each and every one a year to behold,
And may it be full of wonders for you to unfold.
Love, hugs, and kisses too…
A very happy New Year from me to you.
Happiness depends on more than years.
All one’s moments gather to a wave
Passing in a rolling swell of tears,
Passions too immense to name or save.
Yet New Year’s is a crest on which to sing,
Now poised between the future and the past.
Each awaits what course the fates may bring,
Winds that never touch the things that last.
Years turn and turn with an hypnotic grace
Even as the depths of life lie still.
Although above one cannot silence face,
Remember that below the divers will.
Keep the smiles,
Walk past the tears.
Forget your worries.
And look forward to the coming year.A very Happy New Year To You!

A brand new year!
A clean slate on which to write
our hopes and dreams.
This year:Less time and energy on things;
More time and energy on people.
All of life’s best rewards,
deepest and finest feelings,
greatest satisfactions,
come from people–
people like you.Happy New Year!
New Year Poetry
Happy, Happy New Year,
We wish you all the best,
Great work to reach your fondest goals,
And when you’re done, sweet rest,
We hope for your fulfillment,
Contentment, peace and more,
A brighter, better new year than,
You’ve ever had before.
Another year is coming to an end,
Have you planned where will you spend?
This night is going to be awesome
Because it will be the last day of the year
So, forget everything and do cheer
Because this year is going,
Wait for another bright start
Where you would welcome it from your heart!
Happy New Year!
Poem About New Year
My Happy New Year wish for you,
Is for your best year yet,
A year where life is peaceful,
And what you want, you get,
A year in which you cherish,
The past year’s memories,
Full of bright expectancies,
I wish for you a holiday,
With happiness galore,
And when it’s done, I wish you,
Happy New Year, and many more.
Only a night from old to new!
Never a night such changes brought.
The Old Year had its work to do;
No New Year miracles are wrought.
Always a night from old to new!
Night and the healing balm of sleep!
Each morn is New Year’s morn come true,
Morn of a festival to keep.
All nights are sacred nights to make
Confession and resolve and prayer;
All days are sacred days to wake
New gladness in the sunny air.
Only a night from old to new;
Only a sleep from night to morn.
The new is but the old come true;
Each sunrise sees a new year born.
These are the Happy New Year Poems that we gathered for you. Hope you like them. Make certain to share them with your dearest of people.
Great post with lots of poems for this new year. I am also looking for poems for kids.